Grand Knights Report on Membership 2020
Who are the Knights of Columbus?
Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen over the age of 18 committed to the exemplification of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. The Knights of Columbus was formed in New Haven,
Connecticut in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney as a benevolent fraternal organization. There are over 1.8 million members throughout the world and over 65,000 in the State of New Jersey. Burlington Council 589 represents St. Katherine Drexel parish and has over 130 members.
What kind of activities do the Knights do?
You’ve seen us collecting money for Mentally Challenged Citizens, Right to Life programs, and for the seminarians in our State. (In the past decade, Knights from around the
world have given $1.3 billion to charity).
Youth activities include a state-wide Free Throw Contest and Spelling Bee. We also march in the Burlington City Christmas parade reminding people to keep Christ in Christmas. We help set up for the parish picnic, organize dances for seniors, and have many functions during the year for
members and their families. All volunteer work is geared to helping the parish and the community. Many of our members have served their country and community in the armed forces and civil service.
Do I have to pay dues?
Yes. Dues are $30 per year. This covers administrative costs with the council and the supreme office in New Haven, Connecticut.
Do I have to buy an insurance policy?
NO. Although all of the insurance and financial planning packages the Knights offer are competitive and highly rated, it is not a requirement of members to purchase a policy.
I don’t think I’ll have time, so why should I join?
The variety of projects the Knights do allows each individual to choose which ones fit his schedule. We are dedicated to the concept of a strong family life and many of the activities we do are
open to the whole family, helping strengthen the family bond. Unlike other benevolent organizations, The Knights of Columbus are dedicated to the Catholic Church and to the community.
You see many Knights at Mass. The Ushers, the Readers, the Eucharistic ministers, the Deacons, and even the Priests are Knights. We all know that with morality taking steps backwards, the need to be positive role models for our children is greater than ever.
By becoming a Knight, you not
only improve your relationship with God, but with your family and community. The more you put into the Knights of Columbus, the more you get out of it.
Where and when does the Burlington Council meet?
We meet every 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at 366 E. Broad St. in Burlington (Old St. Paul Church) at 7:45 p.m.
How do I become a member of the Burlington Knights of Columbus?
Contact any member for more information about joining the Knights of Columbus. If you have any questions please call
our Membership Chairman, Nick Flordeliza (609) 271-0436, or Membership Co-Chair, Randy Matlack (609) 271-4130.
You may also contact the Grand Knight, John Lontz (215) 292-8886 or Deputy Grand Knight, Mark Contratti (609) 658-2370.
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